Internet + Museums= Revolution of Knowledge?
Internet exhibits transcends the barrier of time
- The internet has created a new way for people to experience museums and public history. The example of the portrait purchased by the Smithsonian of George Washington is a prime example of how museums are expanding their audiences. A person who might have not had the luxury of traveling to a location to view the famous painting of Washington now has the opportunity of experiencing the full exhibition online to little or no cost to him/her. Not only are the visitors reaping the benefits of having exhibitions online, but museums curators are also enjoying the benefits the internet can provide.
Here are some examples:
- Helps museums with space limitations.
- Promotes conversation within the internet community
- May expand museum’s popularity
Revolutionizing Museums
- What is the next step in the REVOLUTION of museums? Will virtual museums replace real museums? Which setting is more educational?
I personally think that museums are gearing towards a more virtual aspect. This is because virtual exhibitions/museums are much more accessible and help the visitor find more information about a subject or exhibition much easier through hypertext links and online archives that may not be available to a person if they were to physically visit a site. Though virtual museums are becoming more popular I do not see them replacing real museums anytime soon. Being physically at a site and experiencing the ambiance of a place cannot be achieved through the virtual experience. Moreover, I see a collaboration between the two, symbiotically helping each other to achieve a better experience for the visitor.
- But in the end this is just my opinion, I would like you guys to visit the Smithsonian panoramic virtual tour and tell me what your thoughts. Do you feel like the experience was sufficient or would you have liked to visit the museum?
*this blog was made as a response to Exhibits, Films, Scholarship, and Essays section in the Digital Past*
Preliminary Questioning Final Project:
Why was there so much protest surrounding the design the Vietnam Memorial made by Maya Lin?